I don't know what Christmas is like for the rest of you, but around here, it's a bit crazy. Christmas Eve is when most of Jeremy's immediate family get together for dinner and a gift exchange. I say most because there are a couple brothers who just don't believe in family anymore, and a couple more siblings who live on the other side of the state near their mother. Anyway. Despite a few siblings missing, Christmas eve still involves about 25 people. Christmas day involves extended family. Most of the immediate family members don't attend this due to various reasons. This year, Christmas day was only about 37 people. Not quite like two years ago when the number was closer to 60.
I'm getting ahead of myself. I don't really want to talk about the Christmas Eve and Day happenings yet, because I haven't loaded those pics from Jeremy's phone yet. I also have to pester some siblings for pics.
So, the week before Christmas then, shall we? :)
One week before Christmas, and before my PixyChick was excused from school for winter break, her class performed a little Christmas concert. She's so cute. She's also the shortest in class, and her teacher stuck her in the back row! I couldn't see her when the teacher was talking until the teacher heard me whisper and pointed her out. It's a fairly small classroom. lol
See her? All the way at the end.
Bear seemed to enjoy the performance.
So did Miss Potato. She sang along, and munched crackers I brought along to appease her.
This is probably the best video I took. I'm a shaker.
There were also lots of nummy snacks, and some super funky punch afterwards. I still can't decide if I liked the punch or not. It was funky, and it had ice cream in it. I think French Vanilla. Maybe that's what made the funk?
Uh, that MtnDew is mine, not the kids. ;)
We drove cross state to pick up Bug on Saturday. The pass was blessedly easy. It's kind of ridiculous how easy it was. This December is so much different than last year.
Seriously, what the farck? There were however some very cool ice formations thanks to the freezing temperatures.
We decorated the tree.
It sparkles.
My baby also has taken to the fascination of baby dolls. Which means, she changes her baby dolls. Such a sweetie!
Oh, and just for our winter wonderland comparison....
December 18, 2008
December 29, 2009
Just look at all that bloomin' foliage! Ok, it's not blooming, but it's still pretty dang green.
I'm going to end this post with the closest thing I got to a White Christmas... a very cool card from my Great Aunt Sylvia and Great Uncle Bob. Pretty cool people, if you ask me.