The next day, we packed up the babies and headed off to the annual LeMay car show! Once a year, Harold LeMay's widow (he died a few years back), opens up the gates to their properties and lets the public come in and take it all in. This year, Jeremy's schedule worked out fabulously so we could actually go!
There's alot of seriously cool stuff. He collected pretty much everything and anything that caught his fancy.
Some things are certainly out of the ordinary.
This is a car built on Monster Garage. They flipped a boat and made it a car.
And of course, there's a whole lot of classics.
1957 Pink Cadillac. (Come on, you know you want to start blasting the lyrics.)
1951 Merc Oh yes, mmmmmm, nummy.
Look at that Daimler. Look at those lines. Look at that paint.
And the Deusenberg. There's really nothing that needs to be said.
Seriously, I mean. How fraggin cool?!
He literally collected a little bit of everything. Including one of the cars used in the Flintstone movie.
There was also an auction for some vehicles that were of restorable quality, if one posessed the determination, know how, and moolah. Some really lucky guy got to take this wagon home. I'm seriously jealous.
Jeremy's dad had met up with us at the show. Bill told us that one of his first cars was like the one pictured below. This sold for $5000.
If you're hoping the interior looks any better....
What I really need, restored to freakin wicked of course, is one of these....
Bear really enjoyed himself. When he saw this car, he said Oh Yeah in a way that can only be described as purely male.
Potato did very well. Putting her in the baby backpack definetly helped. She even almost fell asleep.