If that's not enough for you to laugh at them, check this. Starting today, they have also scheduled people to come and pressure wash the roofs. *blinks* 10 days of rain and high winds are coming, so why not, right?
I wouldn't be surprised if the people who are supposed to this cancel. It's really windy out there. I wouldn't want to be on a roof. Goddess, I need to move away from here. Anybody renting out a rural farmhouse?
My youngest daughter is such a ham. I almost titled this post Turkey & Ham - a word play with her and her father's last name. Sunday, on our way to retrieve her siblings from their father, Miss Potato was looking about in the van for anything within reach. What she found was her daddy's fedora.
She then proceeded to put it on, at varying angles.
Then, playing copy cat to her Daddy leaving for work, proceeded to wave and shout "Bye Bye!!"
Last night I decided to try rag rolling my hair. I used a delightful little tutorial given by Solanah, at her blog, Vixen Vintage. I adore her blog, and her Etsy shop. One of these days, I just might make it down to the Vancouver/Portland area to visit. Back to my curls... I thought they looked pretty good once I took out all my cotton strips. I was tempted to just leave them alone after finger combing them, but figured I'd try finishing them out the way Solanah suggested and brushed them out. Oh boy was I disappointed! Her blog says if you roll them too tight, you will be sad. But if I'd rolled them any looser, they wouldn't have held. A couple fell half way throught the night as it was. My hair was looking very 70's. I nearly threw it up in a pony tail for the day. Instead, I adjusted my part to side and fluffed my hair, and went to help my daughter dress for school. When I came back to see what I should do with my hair, I was SO pleased to see that alot of the brushing frizz had settled down. I love how it turned out! Plus, it's so much more comfortable than foam rollers to sleep on. Yay!! If only my arms didn't get so tired every time I roll my hair.