10 years ago on March 21st, at 1:16 in the afternoon, my life was dramatically changed. I was 14 years old, and most of the way through my freshman year in highschool. The band in which I played clarinet was perparing for marching in the Spokane Lilac Parade. I, however, had just done something a bit more complicated than hitting my corner mark on the 4th beat while maintaining guide right and front. That something was a someone! A sweet tiny squishy little someone. After 11 hours of labor, an hour of pushing, very low infant heart rate, and very high blood pressure pumping out of mine, an 8lb 7oz little bundle of purple skin and dark hair came into this world.
Today, that squishy little munchkin turned 10. She's now this tall gangly pre-teen that seems to be mostly legs. She likes music, drawing, sports, academics, cooking, and joking around with anybody up for the game. By the time she is 11, she will most assuredly be taller than her Ammie. She will always be taller than her bestfriend. :)
To celebrate her birthday, we picked up her friend and went to lunch, where Jeremy's parents met up with us. She made out pretty good in gifts. Grandma Chris does spoil a bit, with a DS and several games. She's supposed to be learning french, too, since her Dad bought her DS french disk.
I'm a not so cool mom, and bought her some functional and hopefully fun little things. She spends alot of time traveling back and forth, and sleepovers and such. I thought a cute girly satiny white bag with black velvet scroll work would be nice for her hair care items. I filled it with lipgloss and nail polish, too. Essential sleepover items.
To further celebrate Bug's birthday, we headed out to Tiffany's for some roller skating. All the kids had a blast. This was only the second time skating for Pix, Bear, and Potato. Before we were done, all three felt brave enough to go it on their own without holding a hand. Actually, Potato was brave before Pix and Bear!
Bug, rolling away from me.
Miss E on a wave by.
Bear was definetly getting the hang of it, as was Pix. Notice her awesome skating crouch.
Potato didn't want anybody close to offer a hand, she had it covered with confidence.
Notice, the distance. lol
Bug's awesome rolling crouch.
I even managed to get them to hold mostly still for a group photo.
A decade has passed, and now we are swiftly moving into the decade of deodorant, bras, and boys. Oh mercy.