So, here is what has been going on the past week or so. I'll start with Mother's Day. Jeremy had to work opening that morning, so it was just the kids and I until later in the afternoon. They presented the little planters they had made the day before, and Jeremy brought me a hanging basket of pretty little purply blue flowers on his lunch break.
After he got home from work, he told me we were going out for dinner! Anywhere I wanted. Even if it's my day, I still take into heavy contemplation how much whining there will be about the menu from the wee people. The Rock it was! I love the pizza there. Especially the Bat Outta Hell. It was perfect, being just hot enough to still get all the flavor without burning the freck out of my tongue. The kids split a kids cheese pizza. Miss Potato was quite delighted with the brown sugar mozz bread we got as an appetizer. Jeremy's ex-coworker, Susan, now works at The Rock. When we got the bill, I was blown away. Cheapest we've ever gotten out of there. It's good to have connections!! Thanks, Susan!
Bear dancing to the tunes blaring out while we wait for seating.
Pix and Jeremy working on their Sodoku.
Potato quite enthralled with her coaster, wondering where food is.
Jeremy no longer believes in our regular camera unless his phone is dead since it has a 5mpx kodak on it.
The week then went back to being miserably rainy. So not much went on during the actual week. I did take the time to finally clean up and organize my desk.
The resulting project was doing up the many invitations for Miss Potato's 1st birthday! I was pretty happy about this, since there were many invitations to be sent, and I was doing them by hand. Though I know some of the people I invited can't make due to other things, I still made and sent them courtesy invitations.
While I worked on invitations, Pix and Bear worked on finger painting.
On Saturday, we traveled across the Narrows Bridge to Gig Harbor for a family event. I exclaimed excitedly the location of a previous Ren Faire as we passed by the open field. After attempting to recieve directions from Jeremy's father, the phone signal cut out. I am suddenly enlightened as to where my boyfriend learned how to give directions. They do it more like typical women, with land marks and confused approximations of surroundings. This drives me nuts beyond belief. This is why we have street names and mile markers!! I'm glad the signal cut out, because I was on the verge of hanging up and Jeremy wouldn't take the phone just because he was driving. Thankfully, Jeremy was able to reach deep into the recesses of his memory and got us there directly. No wrong turns or long detours.
The older girls got a blanket so they could have Potato on the grass. The kids hogged the baby time the whole time.
Jeremy's dad (wrist surgery), Jeremy's mother, two of Bonnie's boys, and I don't know the other 2 guys names.
Jeremy's cousin Mikki, Jeremy, his sister Brenda, his brother Chad, and his nephew Bubbs.
The older girls then decided, after the baby was taken inside, that it was time to swing the younger children in the blanket. Jeremy helped so there was less bottom skimming ground action.
On our way home, we drove by an impromptu car show that was happening. We had to stop. Summer has officially begun!!
The 56 BelAir. Pix is naturally drawn to the 55-57 BelAirs. That's my girl!
The 57 BelAir two door convertible.
This guy had owned this vehicle for quite some time. Since the early 70s if I remember right.
An time somebody would leave, they would revv real loud and everybody would give a whoop and hollar. Miss Potato joined in on this. I'm so proud. *tear*
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