We actually spent the entire week celebrating Jeremy's 30th birthday with various events. On Monday we drove up to Alder Lake past Eatonville. His best friend, Brent, met us up there. Jeremy wanted to try his hand at fishing, as he had never been before.
Jeremy and Bear walked about the boat launch docks checking out different spots to cast a line.
Brent arrived a lil late. He brought Jeremy some tackle, and chocolate cake with a peanut butter frosting. Jeremy is Nuts are about peanut butter and chocolate.
On Tuesday (the actual birthday) we headed out American Lake to meet up with Rory, Dianna, and their kids.
Pix and Bear splashed their feet down in the water to keep cool.
Miss Potato was kept happy by ongoing chain of cheetos supplied by Dianna.
Jeremy was determined to catch a fish before the day was out.
Pix and Bear each got to reel in yellow perch, both of which we threw back into the water. One of which we later watched get caught up by one of the 6 bald eagles living by the lake.
Getting toward the end of the afternoon, Jeremy caught his very first fish ever.
Happy Birthday to my Old Man!!
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