About a month ago, I sent my good friend, Maudi Mae, a birthday card. I've been trying to remember to do this for the past couple years. I think I'm two for two now. The other day, the mail came bringing me a white box. Yay! I hadn't even ordered anything. Maudi Mae is one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet. Not only did she send me a thank you card, but she also sent a stuffed puppy for each of my children.
Only Potato is home, since the other three are with their grandmother, so she got first pick. This is the best picture I could get, since she was playing peek-a-boo using her puppy.
I also recieved another small package. This one came from Jill, the Good Mail Queen. I had won another one of her blog give aways. This time, I opted for a personalized mini notebook. It's so darling! I just love the colors.
The pages are even personalized with my initial!
After the necessity of a refurbished transmission for the A8, Jeremy got himself something he's been wanting to get for quite some time. Something frivolous, and mostly just for fun. He purchased a beginner's kit for learning to do pin striping. You know, the pretty paint lines, swirls, crests and such on cars? He was even sweet enough to get me some little detail brushes for doing my nails. (Hm, did I just hear some groaning of men folk?) He's a good man. Shaddup.
As excited as I was to get my new teeny brushes, I'm just as excited about the pin striping kit. Why? Because I want to do it, too! Permission to add pretty details to the side of a vehicle? Yes, please! Ever since the kit arrived in the mail, my hands have been itching to break it all out and go to town practicing on the windows. Amazingly enough, I was able to withstand the unbearable torture until he got a chance at it first. After all, it is his.
So the other night he got out his mounted glass, courtesy of Uncle Roy, and got all his supplies set up. The kit came with DVD to teach you the basics, which we watched weeks ago. Yes. I allowed a box of art supplies to sit untouched for weeks. Shh. Anyway, Jeremy did pretty good. He only pulled out the can of white, which left me a bit disappointed since he has a can of red paint, too.
You might think, "What's the big deal?" But, it's trickier than it might seem. Due to the cut of the brushes, there's a right way to hold and roll. Not to mention getting the consistency of the paint and reducer how you want it. Jeremy concluded he'd add a little too much reducer. I think he did just fine. I even kept my trap shut and didn't give any tips or suggestions. I am prone to such things. Shocking, I know. Instead, I took pictures of flowers and plants around the property. That will be another post, though. Perhaps tomorrow.