The past couple of weeks have been crammed full of crazy. Not the kind of crazy that causes you to spin counter clockwise constantly to ensure the earth does not spin off its axis. The kind of crazy that makes you feel thankful there are people who believe they must spin counter clockwise to keep the earth on axis.
There was Potato's 2nd birthday coupled with Memorial Day. Then Bug's school let out, which meant a full week with her here. This meant lots of bubbles, and sunglasses.
At that same time was Jeremy's birthday. There is so much cake to be had in this family, I thought cream cheese smothered brownies would be better, because Jeremy loves them. He also decided he wanted kebobs. I also bought him a new Audi shirt for his birthday.
Then I had to drive the kids to their Dad, for their six week summer break on the east side of the Cascades. We also saw our friends Kelly and April with their new baby boy. Then the huge family celebration that combined Father's Day, Jeremy's birthday, and Chad's birthday. It was a miserably wet day, for which I of course wore heels and a skirt. I didn't get a single decent picture of Potato dressed up, and any half decent shot I did get was ruined by the necessity of flash.
Jeremy also had vacation, during which he.... wait for it..... put the NEW (refurbished) TRANSMISSION into the AUDI!!! That's right folks. After over a year of uselessness (leave it alone), and several months of the engine being ratchet strapped to the rafters, the Audi is nearly road worthy! Just needs transmission fluid, and tabs. This makes us so incredibly giddy around here. Brent came down to visit, and helped clean out the barn/garage where Jeremy will be allowed to start working on the Beetle. I can't decide if the Audi being fixed, or being able to move forward with the Beetle make me happier. I think, for now, the Audi being fixed since that is still a funds draining car payment. I wish I had pictures of the guys doing all that work. But I was being all womanly and minding children.
Then there was nephew Zack's 16th birthday, which was a pool party, much to Potato's delight. I made him a card, and Jeremy decided we'd get him a gift card to DICK'S (sporting goods) so he can get paint balls of his choosing or such. Way too many jokes about that store name.
Yesterday wrapped up some of the craziness for cousin Bekah's graduation/18th birthday party. I made her a card. I have no other pics to reference this event. Purple is her favorite color, and yes, she has dyed her hair purple and plans to again this summer.
I'd love to say the calm is going to begin settling in.... but it's not. Coming up is the 4th of July. Maybe something for Brent's birthday. Probably not. His wife hates Jeremy because she can't keep up with their banter. Neither can I, but I'm usually amused by it. Then there will be the cross state trip for Bear's 5th birthday. He wants a red, white, and blue cake made up with strawberries and blueberries. That kid loves strawberries. Two weeks after that, we'll get the kids back for August. Pix's birthday. Dani and Dottie's birthday. My birthday. Oh, then back to school chaos.
For now though, Potato is thoroughly enjoying being a geographically only child.
I have to go see what she's destroying, and try to covince her to eat her chickie nuggets. Goddess, give me strength. Maybe a beer.
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