Saturday night I began working on a skirt reminiscent of a mock vintage style. I have oodles of fabric laying about for random projects. After perusing two different black fabrics, crushed purple velvet, and some beige two tone stripe, I finally settled on some shiny gray fabric. It's not as bad as it sounds, I promise.
Then came the depressing part... taking my measurements. Oye. Wow. I need to lose the rest of this baby weight. I grabbed a coke to tone that twitchy feeling of a breakdown and began plotting and cutting the fabric. Everything pieced together wonderfully. Unfortunately, I was all out of black zippers. Green, red, white, and even purple, but no black. Sunday morning I ran over to Artco Crafts to get a zipper. They only sell zippers by the foot, and were also out of black. WTF? The gal told me to go to JoAnn's. I must have made a face of disgust, because the woman quickly said, "I know, I don't blame you, but we're all out." I did find some cute little turkey craft projects I will be having the kids do next weekend though. :D
So, off I went to Hancock fabrics where they were having a sale of up 50% off through Veteran's Day. Whew boy did my hands feel twitchy. It was SO hard to just walk in there for what I need.... and two spools of ribbon. For some insane reason, they only had two people on staff. One had a line of 8 people for fabric cutting, and one was running cashier with a line of 15 people. But, I was dedicated to the cause. About half way through the line, another cashier magically appears from the back of the store! I think I was only in line a total of maybe 20 minutes. (Ha! ONLY 20 minutes, for a blooming zipper, she says!)
Thanks to it taking such an expedition to retrieve a zipper, I was unable to resume work on my skirt. We headed off to our buddy Rory's house for an awesome dinner of fajitas made by his darling wife, Dianna. We also played a serious amount of Wii, where Jeremy finally found a game where he's not the constant loser. Finally. Dianna also had coloring books for the older kids. She bought Miss Potato an adorable little chef outfit and some kitchen stuff! She looked SO Freakin' Cute!
Yesterday, while I was pinning in the zipper for my skirt, my son was in the bathroom. When he came out, this is what I was greeted with....
He is such a card. He walked around with his hair like that all day. Very Jonny Bravo/Jimmy Neutron-esque. lol
Finally, at some time last night, my project was done. And here are some pics of the result.
This my favorite pic I took today, despite the blurriness.
Skirt looks great on you! What a cute little boy too :)
Wowzers, girl, you're one smoking hot mama! (And I mean that in the best possible way, that skirt is too gorgeous for words. It fits you like a glove and looks truly fantastic!)
Thank you deeply for your immensely kind comments, sweet heart!
Big hugs,
♥ Jessica
Hi sweet girl, just popping by to say "hello" and to thank you very much for your impute regarding my oddly behaving hot roller set, I really appreciate.
I hope all is well on your end, honey. Have a wonderful Thursday!
♥ Jessica
I think you win the award for most glamorous stay at home Mom ever. :-)
You ladies are all so very sweet! Thank you. :) :)
Love that outfit! you look great!
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