Since Bug, Pix, and Bear will be at their father's for Thanksgiving, we decided to do the craft yesterday. I handed them some Elmers, cut open their little packages, and told them to have fun. Oye. It would seem Elmers is not optimal for foam turkeys. Pixy seemed to think more glue would fix the problem. Oh my. After I made them baby wipe the mess away, I tried Liquid Stitch. Yeah... No. Baby wipes to rescue again. I swear I shall always have these on hand, even long after my youngest is out of the pampers.
Eventually, I gave into to doing what I knew I should have from the beginning. I dug out the glue gun and plugged it in. They point, I dab, they apply. Bear did the tail feathers, then passed the project to me for completion. Pix, after touching some still hot glue while attaching a wing, decided she point and leave me to dabbing and applying. Bug actually finished hers herself.
Mixed up in the turkey insanity, I pulled out some ribbon, some felt, and googly eyes. My girls are going to be festive dang nabbit. Because mommy is crazy, and on a craft kick.
And so I present... Turkey Hair Accesories!!
Bug and Pix get the hair clip variety, as Bug models.
Potato gets a hair tie.
I was going to make them each two, but Jeremy convinced me they didn't need flocks of turkeys on their heads. Pish. Perhaps the neices. ;)
You have the most darlingly adorable children, Courtney. I love that you craft with them, that's so very special! Your homemade turkeys are too cute for words, I especially like the hair clips (I'd wear one, seriously - my barrette collection is full of clips with critters on them :D).
Thank you very deeply for your lovely "Stellaversay" wishes, honey! They really me a lot to me (and Stella :D).
Oodles of hugs & joyful Thanksgiving wishes to you and your family!
♥ Jessica
How cute! I love how fun and celebratory they are. Hot glue guns just solve everything, don't they?
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Thanks, Jessica. Get me your mailing address, and maybe you'll get one in the mail before the year is out! lol I plan on making some sort for Christmas, too. ;)
How right you are, Emma! Hot glue guns and duct tape. What more could a girl ask for? Okay, so I would really like a Dremmel tool with All the accessories. ;)
Awww, Courtney, you are positively too sweet for words, thank you!!! Please feel free to email me any time (jcangiano [at] and I'd be super happy to give you my address, and perhaps you'd like to provide me with yours so that I can send you a little something adorable in return :)
Wishing you a marvelous & fun filled Sunday, honey!
♥ Jessica
Awww...that Pebbles style ponytail in the last picture is just so cute!
She's my mischeivious munchkin. hehe
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