
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Boats, Floats, and Zooooooom!

On Monday, Jeremy's buddy Brent invited us out to go riding on the boat. The timing was great, as we had just picked up Bug, Pix, and Bear from their father the night before. So after Jeremy got off we work, we drove out to Alder Lake past Eatonville.
Potato loved the breeze in her face.

After Brent went out on his new board, Bug wanted a try on the innertube.

She loved it!!

Jeremy had fun driving the boat. He and Brent bicker like an old married couple.

Next was Bear's turn. I got into the innertube first. Of course, I was doing this without my glasses, so I couldn't see too well. Almost into the silly thing... I capsize it and dunk myself. Jeremy said the look of fear he usually sees on peoples faces when this happens was absent from my face. He said I looked pissed off. lol I really wasn't. It was more of a "dammit, I knew that was gonna happen!"
This didn't deter or worry Bear at all. I'm so glad he is finally past the phase of being terrified of things like this. He is coming into his boyness quite well, and with enthusiasm. I'm so proud. Should I be worried, or even a little scared though? lol

He did very well, and remembered what I told him about keeping his head down.

Pix loved watching, but was too scared to try herself.

My little Sweet Potato decided she must stand the whole time. So she posted herself near the wheel and held on to two posts.

This is water happens when a mother loves her children. While out on the water, I could tell my legs were going to bruise. So, along with several quarter sized bruises, I ended up with two large bruises. The one above my knee is from ramming my fraggin knee right into the drop down ladder while getting into the boat. Moment of smooth.

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